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Title: Multifunctional polyelectrolyte multilayers as nanofiltration membranes and as sacrificial layers for easy membrane cleaning
Authors: Ilyas, Shazia
Grooth, Joris de
Nijmeijer, Kitty
Vos, Wiebe M. de
Keywords: Nanofiltration Sacrificial layers
Colloidal particles
Polyelectrolyte multilayers (PEMs)
Issue Date: 15-May-2015
Publisher: ELSEVIER
Citation: Shazia Ilyas, Joris de Grooth, Kitty Nijmeijer, Wiebe M. de Vos, Multifunctional polyelectrolyte multilayers as nanofiltration membranes and as sacrificial layers for easy membrane cleaning, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Volume 446, 2015, Pages 386-393, ISSN 0021-9797,
Series/Report no.: Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Volume 446, 2015, Pages 386-393,;
Abstract: This manuscript investigates the modification of an ultra-filtration (UF) membrane support with polyelec trolyte multilayers (PEMs) consisting of the weak polyelectrolytes poly(allyl amine) hydrochloride (PAH) and poly(acrylic acid) (PAA). These prepared polyelectrolyte multilayer membranes have a dual function: They act as nanofiltration (NF) membranes and as sacrificial layers to allow easy cleaning of the membranes. In order to optimize the conditions for PEM coating and removal, adsorption and desorption of these layers on a model surface (silica) was first studied via optical reflectometry. Subsequently, a charged UF mem brane support was coated with a PEM and after each deposited layer, a clear increase in membrane resis tance against pure water permeation and a switch of the zeta potential were observed. Moreover these polyelectrolyte multilayer membranes, exhibited rejection of solutes in a range typical for NF membranes. Monovalent ions (NaCl) were hardly rejected (<24%), while rejections of >60% were observed for a neutral organic molecule sulfamethoxazole (SMX) and for the divalent ion SO3 2 . The rejection mechanism of these membranes seems to be dominated by size-exclusion. To investigate the role of these PEMs as sacrificial layers for the cleaning of fouled membranes, the prepared polyelectrolyte multilayers were fouled with sil ica nano particles. Subsequent removal of the coating using a rinse and a low pressure backwash with pH 3, 3 M NaNO3 allowed for a drop in membrane resistance from 1.7 1014 m 1 (fouled membrane) to 9.9 1012 m 1 (clean membrane), which is nearly equal to that of the pristine membrane (9.7 1012 m 1 ). Recoating of the support membrane with the same PEMs resulted in a resistance equal to the resistance of the original polyelectrolyte multilayer membrane. Interestingly, less layers were needed to obtain com plete foulant removal from the membrane surface, than was the case for the model surface. The possibility for backwashing allows for an even more successful use of the sacrificial layer approach in membrane tech nology than on model surfaces. Moreover, these PEMs can be used to provide a dual function, as NF mem branes and as a Sacrificial coating to allow easy membrane cleaning
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1203
Appears in Collections:Environmental Science Department

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