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Title: Attachment, colonization and proliferation ofAzospirillum brasilense andEnterobacter spp. on root surface of grasses
Authors: Malik, Dr. Kauser .A.
Arshad, M.
Rasul, G.
Bilal, R.
Keywords: Attachment
Issue Date: Jan-1993
Publisher: springer link
Citation: Bilal, R., Rasul, G., Arshad, M. et al. Attachment, colonization and proliferation ofAzospirillum brasilense andEnterobacter spp. on root surface of grasses. World J Microbiol Biotechnol 9, 63–69 (1993).
Series/Report no.: World J Microbiol Biotechnol 9, 63–69 (1993).;
Abstract: Root colonization studies, employing immunofluorescence and using locally isolated strains, showed thatEnterbacter sp. QH7 andEnterobacter agglomerans AX12 attached more readily to the roots of most plants compared withAzospirillum brasilense JM82. Heat treatment of either root or inoculum significantly decreased the adsorption of bacteria to the root surface. Kallar grass and rice root exudates sustained the growth ofA. brasilense JM82,Enterobacter sp. QH7 andE. agglomerans AX12 in Hoagland and Fahraeus medium. All the strains colonized kallar grass and rice roots in an axenic culture system. However, in studies involving mixed cultures,A. brasilense JM82 was inhibited byEnterobacter sp. QH7 in kallar grass rhizosphere and the simultaneous presence ofEnterobacter sp. QH7 andE. agglomerans AX12 suppressed the growth ofA. brasilense JM82 in rice rhizosphere. The bacterial colonization pattern changed from dispersed to aggregated within 3 days of inoculation. The colonization sites corresponded mainly to the areas where root mucigel was present. The area around the point of emergence of lateral roots usually showed maximum colonization.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1340
Appears in Collections:School of Life Sciences

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