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Title: Ex Vivo Expansion of Functional Human UCB-HSCs/HPCs by Coculture with AFT024-hkirre Cells
Authors: Khan, Muti ur Rehman
Ali, Ijaz
Jiao, Wei
Wang, Yun
Masood, Saima
Yousaf, Muhammad Zubair
Javaid, Aqeel
Ahmad, Shafique
Feng, Meifu
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Hindawi
Citation: Muti ur Rehman Khan, Ijaz Ali, Wei Jiao, Yun Wang, Saima Masood, Muhammad Zubair Yousaf, Aqeel Javaid, Shafique Ahmad, Meifu Feng, "Ex Vivo Expansion of Functional Human UCB-HSCs/HPCs by Coculture with AFT024-hkirre Cells", BioMed Research International, vol. 2014, Article ID 412075, 12 pages, 2014.
Series/Report no.: BioMed Research International;Volume 2014
Abstract: Kiaa1867 (human Kirre, hKirre) has a critical role in brain development and/or maintenance of the glomerular slit diaphragm in kidneys. Murine homolog of this gene, mKirre expressed in OP9 and AFT024 cells could support hematopoietic stem cells/hematopoietic progenitor cells (HSC/HPC) expansion in vitro. HKirre is also expressed in human FBMOB-hTERT cell line and fetal liver fibroblast-like cells but its function has remained unclear. In this paper, we cloned a hKirre gene from human fetal liver fibroblast-like cells and established a stably overexpressing hKirre-AFT024 cell line. Resultant cells could promote self-renewal and ex vivo expansion of HSCs/HPCs significantly higher than AFT024-control cells transformed with mock plasmid. The Expanded human umbilical cord blood (hUCB) CD34+ cells retained the capacity of multipotent differentiation as long as 8 weeks and successfully repopulated the bone marrow of sublethally irradiated NOD/SCID mice, which demonstrated the expansion of long-term primitive transplantable HSCs/HPCs. Importantly, hkirre could upregulate the expressions of Wnt-5A, BMP4, and SDF-1 and downregulate TGF-β with other hematopoietic growth factors. By SDS-PAGE and Western Blot analysis, a ~89 kDa protein in total lysate of AFT024-hKirre was identified. Supernatants from AFT024-hkirre could also support CD34+CD38− cells expansion. These results demonstrated that the AFT024-hKirre cells have the ability to efficiently expand HSCs/HPCs.
Appears in Collections:School of Life Sciences

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