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dc.contributor.authorTsintsadze, N. L.-
dc.contributor.authorChaudhary, Rozina-
dc.contributor.authorShah, H. A.-
dc.contributor.authorMurtaza, G.-
dc.identifier.citationTsintsadze, N. L., et al. "Nonlinear Landau damping of transverse electromagnetic waves in dusty plasmas." Physics of Plasmas 16.4 (2009).en_US
dc.description.abstractHigh-frequency transverse electromagnetic waves in a collisionless isotropic dusty plasma damp via nonlinear Landau damping. Taking into account the latter we have obtained a generalized set of Zakharov equations with local and nonlocal terms. Then from this coupled set of Zakharov equations a kinetic nonlinear Schrödinger equation with local and nonlocal nonlinearities is derived for special cases. It is shown that the modulation of the amplitude of the electromagnetic waves leads to the modulation instability through the nonlinear Landau damping term. The maximum growth rate is obtained for the special case when the group velocity of electromagnetic waves is close to the dust acoustic velocity.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipN.L.T. thanks the Salam Chair and Higher Education Commission of Pakistan. This work was partially supported by a GNSF grant, Project No. 69/07 GNSF/ST06/4-057.en_US
dc.publisherPhysics of Plasmasen_US
dc.titleNonlinear Landau damping of transverse electromagnetic waves in dusty plasmasen_US
Appears in Collections:Physics Department

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