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dc.contributor.authorS. Iqbal, Mohammad-
dc.contributor.authorWolf, Bettina-
dc.contributor.authorE.L. Williams, Huw-
dc.contributor.authorMacNaughtan, William-
dc.contributor.authorMassey, Shazma-
dc.identifier.citationAzeem, Shazma & MacNaughtan, William & Williams, Huw & Wolf, Bettina & Iqbal, Mohammad. (2017). A structural study of Acacia nilotica and Acacia modesta gums. Carbohydrate Polymers. 175. 10.1016/j.carbpol.2017.07.065.en_US
dc.description.abstracttSuperficially similar carbohydrate polymers from similar sources can have dramatically different charac-teristics. This work seeks to examine the molecular properties responsible for these differences. Protonsresponsible for cross-polarization in the anomeric region of Acacia nilotica (AN) were replaced easily bydeuterium, but not for Acacia modesta (AM). Time constants describing the mobility and cross-polarizationtransfer were both found to be lower for AM. Variable contact time experiments showed poorer fits andmore heterogeneity for AN. Solution state HSQC experiments showed a lower number of environmentsin the anomeric region for AM. The relaxation time T2of AM solutions had a lower value consistent witha higher viscosity. The Tg of solutions were −14.5◦C AN and −18.5◦C AM. These results form a largelyself-consistent picture of molecular differences between AN and AM, suggesting a more compact butheterogeneous structure for AN and more branching in the case of AM.en_US
dc.subjectArabinansAcacia modestaAcacia niloticaPolysaccharidesNMR spectroscopyen_US
dc.titleA structural study of Acacia nilotica and Acacia modesta gumsen_US
Appears in Collections:Chemistry Department

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