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Title: Ligand Exchange/Scrambling Study of Gold(I)-Phosphine Complexes in the Solid Phase by DESI-MS Analysis
Authors: G. T. Kazimi, Syed
Saeed Iqbal, Mohammad
Frank Shaw III, C.
C. Mulligan, Christopher
Iram, Fozia
R. Stelmack, Ashley
S. Campbell, Ian
Keywords: Gold complexes, Auranofin, Ligand exchange, Ligand scrambling, DESI-MS, Ambient mass spectrometry
Issue Date: Nov-2019
Citation: Kazimi, Syed & Iqbal, Mohammad & Mulligan, Christopher & Shaw, C & Iram, Fozia & Stelmack, Ashley & Campbell, Ian. (2019). Ligand Exchange/Scrambling Study of Gold(I)-Phosphine Complexes in the Solid Phase by DESI-MS Analysis. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry. 30. 2289-2296.
Abstract: Only a few analytical techniques are available for the characterization of mechanochemical synthetic reaction products.Wedemonstrate here that DESI-MS is a powerful technique for this purpose, combining the selectivity of MSbased assays with the simplicity and in situ analysis capability of ambient ionization methods. In this work, we report that auranofin, a gold-based drug, and its precursor triethylphosphine gold(I) chloride undergo a complex array of ligand exchange/scrambling reactions with thiol-containing amino acids in the solid state. The products were readily characterized by DESI-MS analysis from the solid-phase reaction, clearly exhibiting ligand exchange and scrambling, with independent confirmation by solid state 13C-NMR. The thioglucose and triethylphosphine moieties exchanged with cysteine and its derivatives, whereas the glutathione replaced 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl- β-1-D-glucopyranose only. It was concluded that ligand exchange and scrambling reactions can be carried out in the solid state, and some of the unique products reported in this study can be conveniently prepared through mechanochemical synthesis in good yields (> 98%), as demonstrated by synthesis of (L-cysteinato-S)- triethylphosphine gold(I) from triethylphosphine gold(I) chloride and L-cysteine.
Appears in Collections:Chemistry Department

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