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dc.contributor.authorMasood, W.-
dc.contributor.authorKarim, S.-
dc.contributor.authorShah, H. A.-
dc.contributor.authorSiddiq, M.-
dc.identifier.citationMasood, W., et al. "Coupled nonlinear drift and ion acoustic waves in dense dissipative electron-positron-ion magnetoplasmas." Physics of Plasmas 16.11 (2009).en_US
dc.description.abstractLinear and nonlinear propagation characteristics of drift ion acoustic waves are investigated in an inhomogeneous electron-positron-ion e-p-i quantum magnetoplasma with neutrals in the background using the well known quantum hydrodynamic model. In this regard, Korteweg–de Vries–Burgers KdVB and Kadomtsev–Petviashvili–Burgers KPB equations are obtained. Furthermore, the solutions of KdVB and KPB equations are presented by using the tangent hyperbolic tanh method. The variation in the shock profile with the quantum Bohm potential, collision frequency, and the ratio of drift to shock velocity in the comoving frame, v*/u, is also investigated. It is found that increasing the positron concentration and collision frequency decreases the strength of the shock. It is also shown that when the localized structure propagates with velocity greater than the diamagnetic drift velocity i.e., u v* , the shock strength decreases. However, the shock strength is observed to increase when the localized structure propagates with velocity less than that of drift velocity i.e., u v* . The relevance of the present investigation with regard to dense astrophysical environments is also pointed out. © 2009 American Institute of Physics.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipOne of the authors S.K. would like to thank Salam Chair, Government College University, Lahore, Pakistan, for providing the financial assistance to carry out this research worken_US
dc.publisherPhysics of Plasmasen_US
dc.titleCoupled nonlinear drift and ion acoustic waves in dense dissipative electron-positron ion magnetoplasmasen_US
Appears in Collections:Physics Department

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