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dc.contributor.authorShah, H. A.-
dc.contributor.authorMasood, W.-
dc.contributor.authorAsim, M.T.-
dc.contributor.authorQureshi, M.N.S.-
dc.identifier.citationAbbas, G., M. Sarfraz, and H. A. Shah. "Anomalous skin effects in a weakly magnetized degenerate electron plasma." Physics of Plasmas 21.9 (2014).en_US
dc.description.abstractIn the present work, we have considered the non linear effects due to trapped electrons in an inhomogeneous degenerate quantum plasma. The formation of drift solitary structures has been investigated for both fully and partially degenerate plasmas. The Sagdeev potential approach has been employed to obtain arbitrary amplitude solitary struc tures. Interestingly, for a fixed value of density, not only compressive but rarefactive solitary structures have been ob tained for a certain temperature range. Furthermore, it has been observed that the drift solitary structures exist only for the case when the drift velocity is smaller than the velocity of the nonlinear structure. The theoretical results obtained have been analyzed numerically for the parameters typically found in white dwarfs and the relevance of the results with regard to white dwarf asteroseismology is also pointed out.en_US
dc.publisherPhysics of plasmasen_US
dc.subjectDrift wave · Solitary structure · Trapped electroen_US
dc.titleDrift solitary structures in inhomogeneous degenerate quantum plasmas with trapped electronsen_US
Appears in Collections:Physics Department

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