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Title: Hematological status of avian species along a metal pollution gradient at Sialkot, Pakistan
Yousaf, Muhammad Zubair
Keywords: Environmental pollution, feathers, heavy metals, hematological parameters, sialkot
Issue Date: 4-Nov-2021
Publisher: Turkish Journal of Zoology,
Citation: Shehzad, Ajmal, et al. "Hematological status of avian species along a metal pollution gradient at Sialkot, Pakistan." Turkish Journal of Zoology 46.1 (2022): 153-166.
Abstract: The concentration of metals and effects of these metals on hematological parameters were examined in avian species by using feathers and blood samples collected from different sites of Sialkot. The major reason for significant differences in hematological parameters and concentrations of metal contents between different species was the difference in feeding habitat. Metal concentrations in feathers and blood samples indicated that the chromium and lead were not found at a safe level. The results did not revealed a significant negative association between metal contents and hematological parameters but concluded that increased metal contents exert negative effects on hematological status especially lead and chromium, while white blood cells showed a significant positive correlation with increased metal contents except cadmium. The feathers accumulate highest concentration of metals than blood, the most probable reason behind that is the feathers reflect exogenous contamination and blood only represents the immediate dietary sources of contamination. It concluded that the feathers of avian species can be used as an efficient bio-indicator to assess the metal contamination level in an environment, and the assessment of hematological parameters can be used to find out the negative impact of metal contamination on health status. The findings of this study will help to manage environmental pollution and its impacts on wildlife.
Appears in Collections:School of Life Sciences

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