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Title: Finite amplitude solitary structures of coupled kinetic Alfven-acoustic waves in dense plasmas
Authors: Sabeen, A.
Shah, H. A.
Masood, W.
Quresh, M.N.S.
Keywords: Kinetic Alfven waves · Quantum trapping · QHD model
Issue Date: 23-Oct-2014
Publisher: Astrophysics and Space Science
Citation: Sabeen, A., et al. "Finite amplitude solitary structures of coupled kinetic Alfven-acoustic waves in dense plasmas." Astrophysics and Space Science 355 (2015): 225-232.
Abstract: In this paper, we have investigated the nonlin ear propagating coupled Kinetic Alfven-acoustic waves in a low beta degenerate quantum plasma in the pres ence of trapped Fermi electrons using the quantum hydro dynamic (QHD) model. By using the two potential the ory and the Sagdeev potential approach, we have inves tigated the formation of solitary structures for coupled kinetic Alfven-acoustic waves in the presence of quan tum mechanically trapped electrons. We have shown that there are regions of propagation and non-propagation for such solitary structures. We have also highlighted the dif ferences between the classical and quantum mechanically trapped electrons. Interestingly, it has been found that the nature of the nonlinearity for the quantum mechanically trapped electrons is different from its classical counterpart. The results presented here may have applications in white dwarf asteroseismology as well as next generation laser plasma experiments where low beta plasma condition is met.
Appears in Collections:Physics Department

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