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Title: Investigation of cubic non-linearity-driven electrostatic structures in the presence of double spectral index distribution function
Authors: Qureshi, M.N.S.
Shah, K.H.
Shi, Jiankui
Masood, W.
Shah, H. A.
Keywords: (r, q) distribution, KdV equation, modified KdV, nonlinear ion acoustic waves, nonthermal electrons
Issue Date: 3-Sep-2019
Publisher: Contributions to Plasma Physics
Citation: Qureshi, M. N. S., et al. "Investigation of cubic non‐linearity‐driven electrostatic structures in the presence of double spectral index distribution function." Contributions to Plasma Physics 60.1 (2020): e201900065.
Abstract: In this article, modified Korteweg-de Vries equation (which involves cubic non-linearity) was derived to study non-linear ion acoustic waves in a plasma in which electrons follow the double spectral index distribution function. The dou ble spectral index distribution successfully apes the distribution functions that have been frequently observed in space plasmas. The spectral index r moulds the distri bution function at low energy and by increasing its value, flatness of the distribution enhances. The spectral index r can also have negative values due to which distribu tion becomes spiky at low energies. The index q, on the other hand, controls the shape of the tail of distribution function. It has been shown that propagation of the soli tary structures gets significantly altered by the choice of the double spectral indices, namely, r and q. A comparison was also made, using the parameters of the auroral zone, between the quadratic and cubic non-linearities-driven non-linear structures and it was shown that the solitary structures form on a much shorter scale for cubic non-linearity compared to their quadratic counterpart
Appears in Collections:Physics Department

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