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Title: Formation of acoustic nonlinear structures in non-Maxwellian trapping plasmas
Authors: Masood, W.
Hamid, Naira
Ullah, Shakir
-Rahman, Aman-ur
Shah, H. A.
Alyousef, Haifa A.
El-Tantawy, S. A.
Keywords: (Non)-Maxwellian trapped electrons, Trapping plasmas; Superthermal electrons; Nonthermal electrons; Nonextensive electrons; Generalized (r, q) electrons; Trapped KdVB with power law; Solitons and shocks.
Issue Date: 5-May-2022
Publisher: Physics of Plasmas
Citation: Masood, W., et al. "Formation of acoustic nonlinear structures in non-Maxwellian trapping plasmas." Physics of Fluids 34.5 (2022).
Abstract: In this paper, expressions of number densities for electron trapping for generalized (r, q), kappa, and Cairns distribution functions, respectively, are reported using the approach adopted by Landau and Lifshitz for Maxwellian trapping of electrons. For illustrative purposes, dispersive and dissi pative equations for ion-acoustic waves (IAWs) are obtained in the presence of non-Maxwellian trapped electrons in the small amplitude limit. The solutions of the modified dispersive and dis sipative nonlinear equations are reported and graphical analysis is given to present a detailed comparison of non-Maxwellian and Maxwellian trapping. The results presented here are, to the best of authors’ knowledge, are a first attempt of this kind. It is expected that the present inves tigation will unravel new horizons for future research and encourage the researchers to search for the nonlinear structures presented in this paper in the satellite data.
Appears in Collections:Physics Department

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